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11 delicious fall recipes


This week our weather turned quickly from hot to chilly, but today is a beautiful day! The air is cold but the sun is out and the sky is so blue. This is the season for crock pot soups and chilly– and hot drinks that include pumpkin, right?  🙂 .


Today I have my two big crock pots working for me. In one I’m making my own hearty beef stock and the in other I have a roast, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic cooking.  Since I’m in the mood for fall food I wanted to share with you some other recipes perfect for this time of year! All of these can be found here at my blog.



Pumpkin molasses french toast sticks

Pumpkin Molasses French Toast Sticks



Easy homemade caramel, only two ingredients.

Homemade Caramel

(Use it for your coffee, ice cream or desert!)  Here’s an easy way to make a mock Starbucks Carmel Macchiato.



similar as starbucks cinnamon rolls

The picture says it all… Cinnamon Rolls



Easy Mint Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Muffins

Mint Chocolate Muffins



Easy - some of the best pizza bread made monkey-bread style.

Cheddar cheese is one of the secrets here!  Easy Pull-apart Pizza Bread



Homemade elephant ears, sort of like you get at the County Fair.

DIY Cinnamon-sugar Elephant Ears



Baked Corn Casserole

Easy Baked Corn Casserole



Apples at Arrowhead Orchard near East Canton

My 2 ingredient Yummy Apple Dip 



a 1784 Colonial American cookie recipe: Molasses Cookies

Delicious Molasses Cookies (from a 1784 Recipe)


applejacks cookies from 1784 recipe

Applejack Cookies (from a 1784 Recipe)

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