by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 5, 2020 | Encouraging, How to...
How do you deal with worry and anxiety? Let this list of 24 ways women said they deal with stress inspire you to live a better life today! I believe stress, worry, anxiety and tension has been increasing for many people these days due to the fear of the COVID-19 virus...
by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 27, 2020 | Homeschooling
Amy Pak, a homeschool veteran of four, shares her six tips to avoiding homeschool burnout. There is such joy in the first days of the school year—the smell of new books and supplies, a brand new planner just waiting to be filled with fun lessons and experiences, a...
by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 26, 2020 | Encouraging, Family Stuff
Avoid mom guilt with these 10 tips for surviving and thriving schooling the kids from home during this virus crisis. How long will the kids be home from school during this virus crisis is anyone’s guess right now. You’ve been thrown into a homeschooling...
by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 19, 2020 | Encouraging, Family Stuff
You’re afraid the kids are going to get bored staying home day after day, right? Let these 30+ boredom busting ways to have fun at home inspire you to keep things fresh and fun during this extended break. No dining in restaurants, no going to the movies, no...