by Tracy Zdelar | Oct 24, 2012 | Encouraging |
It’s true what they say… time flies and children grow up before you know it. Right now its beautiful outside- the changing leaves, the temperature, even the gray days of fall are beautiful as a backdrop to the colored trees. Parents,...
by Tracy Zdelar | Sep 26, 2012 | Family Stuff
The State of Delaware has become the first in our nation to make it illegal for parents to spank their children according to this: Excerpt from HSLDA’s website: “Under the new law, a parent causing “physical injury” (e.g., pain) to a child under age 18...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 7, 2012 | Encouraging, Family Stuff
As a Christian I know not to worry (Philippians 4:6-7), but I do have concerns and my most important concerns are for my children. I’m sure the same is for most, if not all of you with children too. I’m concerned about unseen yet preventable dangers. I...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 13, 2012 | Family Stuff |
I just wanted you to know that if you struggle with parenting intentionally you are not alone. I find its easier many times to let myself just “be busy”and let the kids play with their legos or watch videos for long periods of time. They do...