by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 20, 2010 | Frugal Living
Stockpiling is about stocking up (on what our family uses or things I can give away to others) when the prices are just too good to pass up. I’ve been getting so many good deals using coupons stacked with sale prices that I like to have pictures to show you...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 7, 2009 | Frugal Living |
The Road to Savings. Time once again to reevaluate our expenses and where we can cut back. Happens every now and then. Just to be honest, in the 7 1/2 yrs Joel and I have been married we have never had anything but basic lifeline (or whatever they were calling it)...
by Tracy Zdelar | Oct 19, 2009 | Frugal Living
Are you frugal or do you treat frugality like its a dirty word? There’s no shame in being frugal…being frugal is being smart! I probably just started getting excited about coupons in the last year or so and really “rebating” about 2-3 years...