15 Factors of Bible Study You Need to Know

15 Factors of Bible Study You Need to Know

I’ve shared this on my blog before – in a post from about 10 years ago. To make it easier to find this list while I’m doing this (see link below) Mother Mary video series during the month of May (2023), I want to link the list of Bible study rules...
How will my garden grow in 2023?

How will my garden grow in 2023?

Do you plan for a garden? I’ve been planning for this spring since the end of the last growing season. Here are a few things that I am doing new this year. I’ve got gardening on my mind and it’s that time of year to start planning, if you...
My Word for 2023

My Word for 2023

Do you pick a yearly word at the beginning of each new year? I’ve been doing this for several years now. I share my word for 2023 and give a quick review of how my word for 2o22 actually worked very well for how my year went. Using my links in this post may keep...
Holiday Sale on ALL my books – $4.99

Holiday Sale on ALL my books – $4.99

Hey friends, I dropped the prices on all of my books through the holidays. I have talked about them more on social media than on my blog so if you follow me there you may already know about this sale. I wanted to go ahead and show them here before the sale ends. Using...
Print your Fall Fun Bucket List now!

Print your Fall Fun Bucket List now!

I’ve been sharing an oldie but goodie post on social media lately that is relevant this time of year – my 30 things to do fall bucket list. You can print your own copy of this image at the post at THIS LINK. Be sure to subscribe for my newsletter from the...
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