Does a home warranty really save the hassle?

Does a home warranty really save the hassle?

This post brought to you by Review Home Warranties. A home warranty is a contract that covers repairs to the main systems and appliances of a home. It is essentially insurance, as you pay a monthly premium in return for security (repairs/replacements), however it is...
Visiting Olander Fossil Park, Sylvania- Ohio

Visiting Olander Fossil Park, Sylvania- Ohio

(My affiliate links are included in this post and I may earn a few cents if purchases are made through it. See my Disclosure policy here.) Saturday our family got up early and hit the road for a long day of traveling to the northwest part of Ohio to use the...
Presque Isle State Park, Erie PA

Presque Isle State Park, Erie PA

On our way to Niagara Falls, New York last month we took some time to check out Presque Isle State Park along Lake Erie located in Erie, PA. It was a little stormy so we didn’t stay long and it was the fourth of July so it was busy with people picnicking and playing...
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