by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 5, 2012 | How to..., Work from Home |
Update! Danielle, the author of this post, wrote me a follow up post answering several of the questions readers had asked in the comments below. You will find her answers in this post. With the cost of living always on the rise, many stay at home moms are...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 9, 2012 | Work from Home |
In 1999 after two years of marriage and 15 years of working for someone else in the administrative field, my business, Quality Office Assistance, was born. Thirteen years later I am so glad I made that decision. It hasn’t always been easy but I know that it would...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 12, 2011 | Stark County, Work from Home |
One day on Facebook… I saw an article being shared on Facebook about honey at the stores not being “real” honey. The article said that some honey has been tested and found to be missing pollen. Apparently, based on what I’ve learned from...
by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 29, 2011 | Work from Home |
Every Tuesday leading up to Christmas I’m joining a few other blogger’s who are linking up in support of Small Businesses. Sometimes shopping local or small business isn’t as affordable as other options, but when possible I’d like to encourage...