by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 5, 2012 | How to..., Work from Home |
Update! Danielle, the author of this post, wrote me a follow up post answering several of the questions readers had asked in the comments below. You will find her answers in this post. With the cost of living always on the rise, many stay at home moms are...
by Tracy Zdelar | Aug 11, 2011 | Free Printables, How to... |
I had a couple people ask about my meal plan and this is it: a simple FREE printable monthly calendar that I write on 😉 . I’m not good at following schedules and am already forgetting to look at this one but I am going to give it a shot. Before you look to close...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 19, 2011 | How to...
If you’re reading this in email you will have to click through to the blog to see the video. I hope it inspires you to fun and gives you a chuckle. [This was a skit performed by some of our men-folk at church for VBS last week.] *Subscribe here to get my blog...
by Tracy Zdelar | May 11, 2011 | Get Organized, How to... |
Welcome to week one in this three-week series about “organizing”. I live in a small home (less than 1200 sf) and have found some ways to make use of some our small spaces. Hopefully some of you will be joining the link-up to share your tips as well! By the...