by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 5, 2012 | How to...
Creativity runs in my family – even in the ones related by marriage! I shared my sister-in-law Sue’s cute paper-bag Christmas card here and now I want to show you another one I received from her in the recent past. This...
by Tracy Zdelar | Oct 9, 2012 | How to..., Kid Craft
The boys and I went for a walk the other day and collected leaves with which we made this wonderful Fall Leaf Flag Banner for the window. And I do mean, wonderful. I think its wonderful. It really brings Autumn inside the house and I love it! It...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 8, 2012 | Homeschooling, How to... |
So you think you want to homeschool your children but you need some direction? This post is for you! Most of it is not specific to Ohio only. If you have questions or think I should add something to this list just leave me a comment. Don’t miss a post!...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 2, 2012 | Free Printables, How to...
This weekend I want to share a post and some free printables to help you study your bible correctly and efficiently, because we all miss things for one reason or another. When we don’t study and “rightly divide” God’s word we can end up in...