by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 24, 2013 | Freezer Cooking, How to... |
Did you know how healthy and delicious cilantro can be? I know its got a strong, bitter taste, but it really makes spaghetti sauce good! I like to use it in my sauce. The other day I found it for .78 cents a bunch so I bought three that I prepped today for the...
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 12, 2013 | Get Organized, How to... |
This was our puzzle mess the other day. Hidden away in a closet. This is also after having purged our puzzle collection- passing some down to the boys’ younger cousins. So I was on Pinterest one day and found a couple cool ideas for...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 13, 2013 | How to... |
UPdate! My husband replaced the ceiling light only to have it working again and the light above the sink now NOT working. A friend came over and here is what we learned. Maybe this info will help someone who happens to read this post- someone as unskilled in...
by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 16, 2012 | How to..., Recipes
I was offered a great opportunity to ask a professional Chef for some Thanksgiving tips! Chef David Eisel, renowned chef and brains behind Bob Evans, personally answers some questions I sent in regarding Thanksgiving dinner. I hope you enjoy his tips too!...