by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 29, 2013 | How to..., Kid Craft |
I’ve been saving a bunch of our empty toilet paper rolls for craft projects and just recently came across this one: toilet paper roll birdfeeder -which became a squirrel feeder, to our enjoyment. It was really easy and I had everything I needed! My 9 year...
by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 16, 2013 | Get Organized, How to... |
Here’s a great way to get some extra cash for holiday spending while at the same time… decluttering your home! Sometimes it just takes some diligent effort and a bit of time to turn unwanted, unused possessions into cash. Such has been the...
by Tracy Zdelar | Sep 17, 2013 | How to...
Not long ago a friend posted a picture of her newly mixed batch of easy DIY homemade laundry soap. Now, I’m no stranger to the idea of making your own laundry soap, but I was never really convinced that it was worth my time to try – until this...
by Tracy Zdelar | Sep 12, 2013 | Frugal Living, How to... |
My IRL (in-real-life) friend Allie who also blogs (and cans) sent me this post about how she gets it done. I am also using my affiliate links in this post. Allie shares… Some people thrive on planting, growing, and harvesting the bounty of a...