by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 24, 2015 | Family Stuff, How to..., Products
I shared here that I was one of the moms chosen to host a Disney Side @ Home Celebration party! This is my first time being a Disney Side hostess and I’m looking forward to the planning. I’ll be doing a blog series on this adventure so to not...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 22, 2015 | Essential Oils, How to..., Products |
Today, I’m sharing what I ordered from Young Living this month. Here are a few highlights: For the first time I bought some NingXia Red (wolfberry puree) to start my family on. I’ll be showing the bonus products I earned this month. I will...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 5, 2014 | Family Stuff, How to..., Kids |
Since I have two extra “big” kids (and a third who is an infant) in my house this summer (I’m providing childcare for a couple families), that’s four big kids total who need lots of stuff to do, I realized a game-plan would be of GREAT use to...
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 4, 2014 | How to..., Recipes |
Sometime towards the later part of last year I came across a super easy recipe for vitamin water on Pinterest with a note that said it had helped someone lose weight. Now, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I decided to try it and...