by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 28, 2012 | Homeschooling, Prime Parent's Club
Its easy to see how moms would have more time for work or personal interests once all the kiddos have entered full-time public (or private) school. Some would say this time gives them more “flexibility.” I want to share with you how choosing to homeschool my boys...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 29, 2012 | Homeschooling |
Lately I’ve been showing you some of “my” homeschooling tips. Last week was Part 1 of Using Charts. Now- I’m no expert, this is just my second year homeschooling our boys who are in Second Grade and Kindergarten. One thing...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 22, 2012 | Homeschooling
Here’s a few ideas for using charts. {On the side, thats my Missions Map from Voice of the Martyrs. I added some of our church’s missionaries to it as well. We haven’t really been using it in school yet, but I am planning...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 15, 2012 | Homeschooling |
I love being able to multi-task our homeschooling and the boys enjoy my new mini-trampoline as much as I do as you’ll see in these videos. You don’t have to have a trampoline though, be creative! These videos are less than one minute in length each and...