by Tracy Zdelar | May 22, 2012 | Homeschooling, Prime Parent's Club |
Dear Homeschooling Parent, Are you about to hit burn-out?!! “Here are three tips that I believe will help you have a successful year. I know this year is ending in a matter of weeks for many of us, but some families do school all year round. These tips are great...
by Tracy Zdelar | May 14, 2012 | Homeschooling
A lot of people don’t fully appreciate the transition that has to be made from mom to homeschool teacher. Commanding the respect of your kids as not only a mother but a teacher requires more than a little bit of patience. Those of us who weren’t born teachers face a...
by Tracy Zdelar | May 10, 2012 | Homeschooling, How to... |
My oldest is a good reader now and I’m thinking ahead to preparing for his third-grade year. As much as I like finding deals at garage sales I’ve not always had the money to justify touring them in search of something I don’t need at a great...
by Tracy Zdelar | May 6, 2012 | Homeschooling |
My youngest has only ever been homeschooled- last year we did preschool. He’s in kindergarten now and I have no official math curriculum for him, we use whatever. I was surprised recently to see just how he was catching onto math. It was like a light bulb came...