by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 8, 2012 | Homeschooling, How to... |
So you think you want to homeschool your children but you need some direction? This post is for you! Most of it is not specific to Ohio only. If you have questions or think I should add something to this list just leave me a comment. Don’t miss a post!...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 3, 2012 | Homeschooling |
So, as I stated in this post I’m on a mission to buy great books at garage sale prices. I do this in preparation for the upcoming home-school year. In the process of making a list of books to search for I’ve come across a number of interesting posts from...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 12, 2012 | Books, Homeschooling
*If you can’t see my collage or video, click here. The Complete Aquarium Adventure: A Field Trip in a Book by Merilee & Bill Clifton – This isn’t just a book about aquatic animals, this is a curriculum with teaching aids too! Are you planning a...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 6, 2012 | Homeschooling |
Last week my boys and I visited Rolling Ridge Ranch out in Amish country with our Chesca Homeschool Group. I had heard of this place, but never been there. Where else in Ohio can you ride in an horse drawn wagon with buckets of feed for wild animals?...