by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 8, 2013 | 2012 Homeschooling Tour, Homeschooling
[Today I’m back to the How We Homeschool Series. Go here to see Parts 1-3.] Jack’s “reading parking lot”. I say a word and he has to find it and park his car on it. A few months ago I started this How We Homeschool Series and then a busy...
by Tracy Zdelar | Oct 19, 2012 | Homeschooling |
Well, life happened last week and I didn’t get my weekly vlog done. This week, however, I was determined to get one done- even if I had to do it three, four or more times to get it (sort of) right! You know, blogging has been a great stretch...
by Tracy Zdelar | Oct 3, 2012 | Homeschooling |
This is the season for much-to-do… but wait, that’s pretty much every season. In addition to all the Ohio Family Fun event ticket giveaways I’m trying to get on the blog here (some are done, but there are more to come!) I’m failing in the meal...
by Tracy Zdelar | Sep 16, 2012 | Homeschooling
I’m in the middle of my “How We Homeschool” series – at least three more posts to go, but I did share a little of our history in a guest post I did over at the New Leaf Publishing blog. You can read about it here. If you have...