by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 18, 2013 | Family Stuff, Homeschooling |
My boys are two weeks into the summer-reading plans I have for them. This summer I decided to combine all the reading reward-programs that I wanted them to participate in (our local library & the Berean Christian Bookstore) plus my plan to have them...
by Tracy Zdelar | May 13, 2013 | Homeschooling, Lego Fun |
Our boys had the opportunity to join a new local Junior First Lego League in our area, actually the ONLY Junior First Lego League in our area I believe. A family we are acquainted with within our homeschool group became certified to begin this group and...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 24, 2013 | Books, Homeschooling, Past Giveaways
I’m hosting Free Book Friday from New Leaf Publishing here at my blog this Friday, April 26th. The prize to be given away is one copy of the Big Book of Earth and Sky and if you have kids or are particularly interested in learning these things, you...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 18, 2013 | Homeschooling |
My son attended public school kindergarten a few years ago and so I was on the email list for our school district. Three years later I’ve kept myself on that list and occasionally will peek into the newsletters to see what’s going on in our area...