by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 27, 2013 | Homeschooling |
Homeschooling is a big deal today – according to this 2010 report it was estimated over 2 million children were being homeschooled in America alone! Why is this? Though I don’t know everyone’s reason I can certainly think of at least 20 reasons to...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 22, 2013 | Homeschooling
Time for a round-up of my favorite picks of Master Books’ titles I’ve had the privilege to receive and review this year. I’m going to link directly to my reviews and that is where you can read about them! The Answer Books for...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 12, 2013 | Homeschooling, Kid Craft
If I haven’t mentioned it yet on my blog, I will now. This year we joined our local Classical Conversations homeschool “co-op”. And, to help offset the tuition I am a tutor. In case you’re not familiar with “CC” – we...
by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 13, 2013 | Gifts for Women, Homeschooling |
Affiliate links are used in this post, using them may earn me a small commission.See my disclosure here. While a homeschooled kid might not put these on their list, I’m thinking a homeschool mom might? If there’s one area I need help in...