by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 18, 2014 | Homeschooling |
You don’t have to homeschool like I do to appreciate all the free math (and other) dvds at the local library. If you or your child are visual learners dvds can be a great help. We often watch them over and over. In fact, I’ll even pick up...
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 11, 2014 | Homeschooling, Kid Craft |
After showing my sons some Pinterest ideas for making their Valentine’s party boxes they decided on minions. While I did help with some of the tricky parts these are ultimately their boxes and they had the “creative last word”....
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 2, 2014 | Books, Homeschooling |
I have a slightly lengthy list of Kindle books on my pc waiting to be read. Many of these are about homeschooling and I plan to review some of them here on my blog. Since I got these from Amazon I will be using my affiliate links. Clicking through and...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 29, 2014 | Family Stuff, Homeschooling
If you live in NE Ohio like me you know what the weather is like, I don’t need to tell you. These super cold days make me feel good about the fact we homeschool! But we’re not just about homeschooling here, we’ve had other fun things to...