by Allie | Apr 9, 2014 | Homeschooling, Past Giveaways |
*Allie received the products necessary to do this review. The Reading Lesson company is supplying the prize for the winner. Opinions are Allie’s. Affiliate links are in this post. When Tracy first approached me with this review, I was...
by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 22, 2014 | Homeschooling
This is one of my favorite Christian educational/entertaining series: Awesome Science. I now own Episodes 1, 2, 6, and now 7 and 8. I’ve been fortunate to get all of these over the past couple years or so to review as a Mom’s of Master Books...
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 27, 2014 | Homeschooling |
Homeschooling can look very different from online k-12 to Unschooling; we all have to find what works best for our families, and even that can change over time. Rachel Sachs is the mother of three boys, who has found a unique way to incorporate...
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 23, 2014 | Books, Homeschooling |
It’s that time of the month and the book we Moms of Master Books have received free to review is actually an Elementary General Science book called Water & Weather, From the Flood to Forecasts by Tom DeRosa and Carolyn Reeves. Opinions are my own....