by Tracy Zdelar | May 1, 2015 | Homeschooling, How to... |
I recently discovered a new use for many of the homeschool printables I’ve collected. I simply laminated the pages I wanted and had Office Max coil-bound them into books (I talked about this in this post)! Now we can take these durable, easy-to-clean, dry-erase...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 20, 2015 | Homeschooling, How to... |
The past week has found me hard at work on a mission to create a homeschool planner like none I’ve made before. I’ve tried different things in the world of “planners” to help me stay organized in life but I just don’t follow through with...
by Tracy Zdelar | Mar 26, 2015 | Homeschooling
This month the Moms of Master Books are reviewing Awesome Science Episode 9: Explore Dinosaur National Monument. As part of that team I received my copy for free to review. Opinions are my own. I have a number of the Awesome Science dvds and all...
by Tracy Zdelar | Feb 23, 2015 | Books, Homeschooling
This month I received (free free to review) The Mineral Book by David McQueen, another very interesting product from Master Books! Opinions are mine. Master Books is an imprint of New Leaf Publishing, Where Creation Inspires Education! You’ll find...