by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 9, 2016 | Homeschooling
I was asked to share about our homeschool schedule as part of the Virtual Homeschool coop. If you’re interested in hearing a little more about our homeschooling just watch my short video below! You can watch all of my Virtual Homeschool Coop contributing videos...
by Tracy Zdelar | May 15, 2016 | Homeschooling, Wild Things
I know I’ve been silent on the blog, but I’ve been busy behind the scenes. Among the everyday aspects of life, April 20th we received our Painted Lady butterfly kit complete with five caterpillars or larva. We had the opportunity to...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 23, 2016 | Homeschooling
This week in the Virtual Homeschool Coop and we are talking about the different ways to gather our curriculum/ teaching resources. Some homeschooling parents like to buy a whole box of curriculum that covers every subject and is already planned out and prepared...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 20, 2016 | Homeschooling |
Aaaah! Feel that?! It’s the end of the school year creeping upon us! And, it’s wonderful. I’m ready for a break. My boys are ready for a break. I think just about every child in our homeschool co-op is probably ready for a break. ...