by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 25, 2017 | Homeschooling |
Do you believe giants existed? I sure do! Not only does the Bible talk about them, in particular one famous giant, Goliath, who was measured (according to an online measurement converter I used) at 9 foot 9 inches, but history itself tells of giants. ...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 19, 2017 | Homeschooling |
Last year I saw another homeschool mom share about a math program on her Youtube channel that really piqued my interest: the Learn Math Fast System. After some thought I decided to reach out to the company and ask if they would send me at least part of it to...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 12, 2017 | Homeschooling |
Homeschooling our kids isn’t necessarily easy. Oh, I know, there will be days when it seems to be, but eventually there are hard days. Days when the kids don’t want to do school, days when we don’t either. Or maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe most...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jun 6, 2017 | Homeschooling |
This homeschooling mom knows how homeschooling mamas in general like to share what we’re doing and to see what other homeschool mamas are doing so I have a quick video to show you today! Thanks goes out to my friend, Tisha, who inspired the simple version of the...