by Tracy Zdelar | Aug 1, 2017 | Homeschooling |
I’ve sort of unofficially started my weekly Youtube series sharing our homeschooling life… and yes, I know, our kitten (Cookies) in the image above has nothing to do with this topic. I just needed a picture and these kittens are so stinking cute! ...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 27, 2017 | Homeschooling
I know I’ve mentioned it here or there online but today I’m making it official…I’m planning to vlog/video through our homeschool year on Youtube for the 2017-2018 homeschool year. Learning happens ANYwhere! Our eclectic style allows for...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 20, 2017 | Homeschooling, How to...
*This post is sponsored by Groupon and USFamilyGuide. I am also using my affiliate link at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog. You probably know about Groupon by now, right? No? Just real quick, for those who don’t, Groupon is a deal site...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 16, 2017 | Homeschooling
I missed posting to my blog for last Monday and then all week was pretty busy since it was VBS (vacation Bible school) week at our church. I was getting up around 5:30am because one of my nieces was getting dropped off and then I was bringing extra kids home with me...