by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 30, 2016 | Frugal Friday |
Hey, thanks for coming back for another Frugal Friday video! This is the third Frugal Friday video (FF3) on my Youtube channel. <— You can subscribe to my channel at that link! So, I thought with it being the end of the year, now was a good time to bring this...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 23, 2016 | Frugal Friday, Holiday Food & Decor |
Since we’re in the Christmas season, today’s post is SUPER-timely! I’m not only sharing how I save money on Christmas decorations but showing you how I decorate, too. Do enjoy decorating your home? I do! While I’m only showing you certain spots...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 20, 2016 | Frugal Friday
I shared on Facebook last week that I was starting a video series called Frugal Friday! I will probably share those videos over here on the blog as well. Even though my first Frugal Friday was last Friday, I’m sharing it on the blog today! I plan to upload these...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 3, 2015 | Frugal Living, How to...
While I did write a tutorial post for DIY laundry soap this my first video for how to make your own laundry soap. I have implemented one change by omitting the bar of Ivory soap as seen in the picture above. This laundry soap recipe has served us well as...