by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 21, 2017 | Frugal Friday, Homeschooling
Well, life happened towards the end of this week and I did not get this week’s Frugal Friday Youtube video up until TODAY (Saturday). But, we’re still going to count it 🙂 . Today I’m sharing my tips for saving money on your homeschooling needs!...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 13, 2017 | Frugal Friday |
This week on Frugal Friday I’m sharing my grocery budget struggles and my January grocery budget. While my mindset and way of living has been by and large to live frugally, I am a budget beginner. I explained why this and why I can’t...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 10, 2017 | Budget Life |
In our fourteen years of marriage we have never stuck to a budget. Reason? We weren’t convinced we had the money to budget. We needed the cash to pay the bills (electric, house, gas….you get it). And, I can hear you thinking…but that’s WHY you...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 6, 2017 | Frugal Friday
It’s a new year and a lot of us are looking for ways to lose weight or cut our household expenses. I’m working on both! Frugal living is a lifestyle for me and my family. And, while I use to use coupons, I do not use them anymore, as a rule. For over...