10 Baby Steps to Saving Big with Coupons

I was just reflecting on a shopping trip I had recently at Giant Eagle where a total stranger saw me and my coupon binder and asked if I used coupons. “Big time” was my reply. She said she had just attended a workshop on coupons held at Malone College. We...

Coupon help and stockpiling.

Stockpiling is  about stocking up (on what our family uses or things I can give away to others) when the prices are just too good to pass up.  I’ve been getting so many good deals using coupons stacked with sale prices that I like to have pictures to show you...

How using rainchecks saved me a bundle!

I recently took the advice of my die-hard friends who coupon to get rainchecks from Giant Eagle (again). I’m so glad I took the time to do it.  I’ve asked for rainchecks a couple of times over the past several months and it has paid off! It was only maybe...
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