by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 8, 2012 | Assurance of Heaven, Family Stuff
I got to thinking about this one day after a conversation with an old friend. This couple had lost custody of their children for good. It has been a hard decision to live with. I can only imagine. I think a loving parent’s worst nightmare is to...
by Tracy Zdelar | Nov 3, 2012 | Family Stuff |
My youngest son Jack was born with a partial cleft palate. This isn’t something noticeable from his outside appearance and you probably wouldn’t have noticed when he was a baby unless you were looking into his throat and realized something...
by Tracy Zdelar | Sep 26, 2012 | Family Stuff
The State of Delaware has become the first in our nation to make it illegal for parents to spank their children according to this: Excerpt from HSLDA’s website: “Under the new law, a parent causing “physical injury” (e.g., pain) to a child under age 18...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 28, 2012 | Family Stuff
Well, the last week in and a half of my sort-of “lightning sabbatical from blogging” is coming to an end. I think the majority of my techy issues are solved. It quite possibly has taken me 2-3 times longer to do many of these things myself as I...