Off-grid pantry planner

MommyPR shared that Armywife101 shared about  her About.Me splash page. I went over to About.Me to check it out and reserved my About.Me splash page already (here’s About.Me’s sign up page).  Though they are sending out private invitations they appear to be accepting people now as well.  This may turn out to be one hot –thang so you  might want to run over there and secure your name or blog name too.  And there are no affiliate links in this post 😉

I wanted to be the first to tell you about something that might become super- hot one day! hehe

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.