Off-grid pantry planner

I had the unique opportunity to show my books at the P. Graham Dunn’s first fall vendor fair in Dalton, Ohio! Using my links may keep my cup full. See my disclosure at the top of my website.

Somehow I caught word in time and my application to set up was approved. It was a great experience meeting people and getting to share about my books. I made connections with other vendors and shoppers. It was overall a fun time.

In addition to the roughly 30 vendors there were a number of food/coffee trucks parked outside and events are just more enjoyable when food and hot drinks are available 🙂 .

I don’t really make craft/vendor shows the way I spread word about my books, but two opportunities sort of fell into my lap recently that I decided to take advantage of: this one at P. Graham Dunn and another that will be at The Chapel in Marlboro in Louisville, Ohio in November.

For both, I have decided to drop prices on some of my books that I will have in person. I’ve also decided to make and sell my cute planner and journal paper clips.

If you’d like to be in the know of when I put my books (published and sold through Amazon) on sale be sure to subscribe to my free newsletter below. You also get access to special subscriber printables and I will send out the link and code to access those in an upcoming newsletter.

Check out all of my books at my author page here.

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