Do you want to get more of the word of God into your home and into the hearts of your children or yourself? This homeschool tips free printable, that works for bible study also, will guide you on your journey when you use it with my The Fear of the Lord: Memory verse coloring notebook. I have an adults/teen version as well as a elementary age version.
Years after having worked with my own boys to memorize many of the “fear of the Lord” verses from scripture and having read through the book of Proverbs with them using our own basic notebooks my book The Fear of the Lord: Memory verse coloring notebook was born. Using my links may keep my mug full. See my disclosure at the top of my website.
It’s actually been about two years ago that I made this book . I love having the opportunity to self-publish such books. I have since made two more coloring bible study or memory books and I hope to continue making Bible based content books as the Lord leads.
Get The Fear of the Lord for Adults/Teens or the one for elementary age children now while they are on a temporary sale!

I am currently in the process of doing a video series called Color & Memorize the Bible with Me working through my book The Fear of the Lord. I recently finished week three. You can find the playlist here.

All of my Bible based books are good for personal Bible study/devotional time or discipleship use as well as homeschooling material. I decided to make a tip sheet for the homeschooling parents to help them see how they can use my The Fear of the Lord notebook workbook as part of their homeschooling curriculum plan. Download and print yours below!
All my videos are free to view at my Youtube channel: and this homeschool/ Bible study tips sheet is free for you to download and print.
See all of my books at my author page here.
In addition to all the benefits listed below you can use these books to have your children work on their handwriting, too!
Get your free homeschool/Bible study tips outline here:
homeschool tips for using The Fear of the Lord.