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March 1st, 2024 begins a NEW online video series: Color and Memorize the Bible with Me featuring the 18 or so scripture verses on the fear of the Lord and the benefits of doing so featured in my book: The Fear of the Lord, Memory Verse Coloring Notebook for Teens & Adults. Using my links may keep my mug full. You can read my disclosure page linked at the top of the website.

I also have an elementary age book for kids featuring the same verses, both books are available on Amazon and are on sale during the month of March!

Fear of the Lord: Memory Verse Coloring Notebook for Teens and Adults

You do not have to buy the book to receive the benefits of this video series, however. Just use your own notebook or a piece of paper and follow my prompts for practicing how to memorize the scripture verses that I am showing in the video.

I will save all of the videos in this playlist. <—- Link has been updated to the playlist link.

Go watch the Intro video at the beginning of the playlist so you know what to expect. I also demonstrate a few ways to practice memorizing verses.

The Fear of the Lord: Memory Verse Handwriting Practice coloring book for kids / children

As you color the pages you are welcome to take a pic of your finished coloring page and send me the picture so I can share it on Instagram and Facebook! Sending me the picture will assume permission for me to share it on social media. You can send it to me via social media or email: .

Get the books on sale during March 2024:

The Fear of the Lord for adults and teens

The Fear of the Lord for elementary age kids

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