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I know it’s not just me that feels this, time is flying by. It seems not long ago I was choosing my word for 2023 – it was Diligent. Today I’m going to share my 2024 word…keep reading. By the way, using my links may keep my mug full at no extra cost to you. My disclosure is linked above.

So my 2023 intention was to continue working on some things I had begun a year or so beforehand, but particularly the year before. I wanted to keep honing the new skills I was teaching myself: food preservation by canning, organic food and medicinal foraging, dehydrating and…

I did have one big goal, sort of, to learn more about natural home remedies.

I feel I didn’t do so well at really covering much ground with natural home remedy learning, however, sometime during the year Dr. Nicole Apelian came out with her new book The Holistic Guide to Wellness and I bought it. I felt that purchase made up for my lack of searching out this type of information more than I had tried. Score!

I now own at least three of her books.

My Self-Publishing Endeavors

In February of 2023 I published my Becoming the Proverbs 31 Woman…for Teens too! Bible Study Coloring Workbook. Tomorrow, January 4 of 2024, begins my roughly seven week online (Youtube) bible study based on that book but digging deeper into the topics of the book. If you’d like details on that see this post. This book was by far my most sold book for 2023.

In August of 2023 I made the My Sunday School & Church Notebook for elementary age children. It’s a 6×9 book with 58 two-page spreads devoted to covering 58 sermons or Sunday School lessons or personal Bible studies. There are some easy to follow question prompts to help the kiddos stay focused on the lesson and a couple boxes to draw or illustrate what they are learning as I know many kids like to draw and it’s an important part of learning, in my opinion. (You can see it here.) I am a visual learner myself.

My gardening attempts were poorer this year than last. None of my seeds took off and I ended up buying some plants that eventually did okay to very nice, depending. Oh well.

My Word for 2024

It wasn’t until I was already into December that I started thinking and praying about what word should be my direction of focus for 2024 and to my surprise I almost immediately knew. I still prayed about it but I felt the Lord was directing me to FRUITFUL. I even considered more than one variation of that word. I believe this fruitfulness has everything to do with the spiritual side of life, however, not gardening and foraging.

So, fruitful it is.

I’m especially looking forward to this year in respect of this FRUITFULness I feel especially called to pursue. I know we should always be working towards being fruitful. The neat thing is that it fits right into my past yearly words. I’m looking forward to the end of this year to see how God has worked His will out regarding this in my life.

It seems the perfect next word considering the words of the last several years.

What I wrote about picking Words in the past:

2023 Word: Diligent

2022 Word: Cultivate

2021 Word: Prune

2020 Word: Prepare

2019 Word: Redeem


2014 Word: Faithful

2013 Word: Intentional

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.