Do you pick a yearly word at the beginning of each new year? I’ve been doing this for several years now. I share my word for 2023 and give a quick review of how my word for 2o22 actually worked very well for how my year went. Using my links in this post may keep my coffee cup full. My disclosure is linked at the top of this page.
It was probably December before I really began focusing on choosing my 2023 word. Before I give that away, however, let’s take a trip through 2022 and see how that worked out for me. My word was Cultivate.
A year of Cultivating
The year 2022 in a nutshell as far as cultivating:
I expanded my gardening attempts but only most successfully grew kale, barely any success with tomatoes.
I learned how to can food via water bath and pressure canning.
I learned how to forage for wild edibles/medicinals in my own yard and started to experiment with using a dehydrator.
I learned how to create and self-publish my own books and have had a blast with that.
My newsletter subscriber list has been growing.
I was also blessed with a great new place to hunt for stone artifacts and have found many small things evidently worked by Native Americans. This is a hobby of mine and I don’t have many opportunities to actually go out and look for artifacts.
It was an AMAZING year as far as cultivating and I praise the Lord for all of this growth! The funny thing is…I had forgotten my word was CULTIVATE. I kept thinking it was PRUNE (2019). I guess that’s how fast time is flying by these days?
My newest released workbook is The Grid-down Pantry Planner and Recipe Keeper.

My Word for 2023- Diligent
After some prayer and consideration I determined DILIGENT is my word and goal for 2023.
diligent: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort…application to some specific object or pursuit.
Merriam-Webster online
Last year a great foundation of learning to be more self-reliant was laid. I did things I was AFRAID to do. It makes sense that this year I simply continue building on what I’ve learned.
Garden Goals & Such
Last year my goal for my garden was to grow lots of tomatoes because I could make spaghetti sauce from those and can that.
Well, even though I was off to a great start sprouting seeds in containers with damp paper towels and diligently moving my seedlings around to harden them off I still did not get any, if I remember correctly, ripe tomatoes while they were still on the plant before I was faced with losing them to frost or freeze.
It was close to October when I picked them and stored them away in a box to get ripe. I didn’t have a whole lot and eventually I made homemade salsa for the first time and canned that…also for the first time.
In preparation for this new growing season I bought a small greenhouse stand to make things easier for me as well as two small raised bed stands. They all still need to be put together.
This spring I will be back at sprouting seeds and foraging my yard for medicinal edible weeds. I need to do these things so I become familiar with the process.
Practice makes perfect and…

Personal Goals
I will be educating myself more on natural medicine and home remedies this year seeing how healthcare in the USA is somewhat in a crisis and we can’t trust the three letter entities who try to lord over us. I expect things will continually get worse and the wise will pay attention.
I’ve challenged myself and put the same out on my social media to encourage others to listen through the KJV Bible via the Alexander Scourby audios on Youtube January through March. If this goes well for me I may repeat every three months. I’m in Leviticus now and the Lord really does show me things through this.
I plan to continue self-publishing books as I feel motivated to do so. I am in the process of making a new Bible study workbook. The topic is a secret. Hopefully that will be done this month.
Amazon’s KDP program makes this very do-able and the quality of the finished product is very nice. They handle the over-head of printing and shipping and pay you commission for book sales. I believe payout is 60% of some portion leftover after printing costs. You set the price of your books. I recommend it if you have something to say you want to see published and you’re small potatoes to the world at large 🙂 .
I’ll link below to my words from the past years in case you’re interested to read my thoughts behind them.
Do you have a word for 2023? Feel free to tell me in the comments!
What I wrote about picking Words in the past:
Tracy Zdelar
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