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I did a video sharing our 10th grade homeschool curriculum/ plans for 2021-2022. Our oldest son wanted to do his last year high school in public school so I crammed his last year of homeschool with things I wanted him to have. I also didn’t want him taking health in public school so I made him do that at home.

Below you’ll find links to many of the things I mention in this video. Using some of my links below may keep my coffee cup full. See my disclosure policy here.

If you have any questions for me after you watch my video just leave me a comment.

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The hands on molecule set.
Chemistry 101 dvds.
The American Story by Barton(s).
Algebra Quick Starts.
Total Health by Susan Boe: (we use the high school books)
Learning Language Arts (Gold Book series): We are using World Literature this year.

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