Each year, lately, I like to pick a word for inspiration towards some goal. I always pray to the Lord about what that word should be. Do you have a word for 2022? I will tell you my word in this post.
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So much could be said about the past two years since the introduction of Covid-19, all the deaths, the recoveries and all the lies, the fear-mongering.
So much could be said about this outrageously dangerous Biden Administration. I really do believe someone is behind him pulling the strings and so much of what I see tells me they want to change the USA into an autocracy vs. a republic or democracy.
Do you see it, too?
: a form of government in which a country is ruled by a person or group with total power
: a country that is ruled by a person or group with total power
But, this is not a political blog so I will just say: this is the world of today and we have to live in it, so let’s make the best of it and fight for what is right before we lose our freedoms.

My Yearly Words
The past few years my words have been…
Redeem (2019) – Redeem the time, with a focus on parenting.
Prepare (2020) – Get prepared for whatever, we got our CCW.
Prune (2021) -Remove and purge to make room for NEW growth.
Making room.
So 2021 saw me purging things we didn’t need that were taking up valuable space for food storage and other types of emergency preps. I really got organized about this. I learned a lot by watching a variety of prepping channels on Youtube.
I am not an apocalyptic prepper though. I think if I can get us prepped for short-term emergencies like a 3 month time-span that would be reasonable.
I got serious about having a working prepper pantry (see 8 ways to get Prepped). Nothing huge but something that made sense in these nonsensical days of shipping blockages, fast rising inflation, government mandates and leadership that seems hell-bent on destroying freedom and liberty. Talk of the real potential for black-outs and the Biden Admin toying with our energy options.
Purging things and clothes.
I’ve cleaned out my closet again to reduce what I have. Ironically, for many years I’ve had totes of clothes for the boys’ to grow into. The boys wear somewhat the same size now that they are in their mid-teen years. I gave away lots of outgrown clothes. I thought it was pretty cool that I pulled the last tote out not long before the end of 2021.
It isn’t hard to fathom something truly devastating happening under the current administration. That is why I took seriously the notion that we need to have backup plans if we should lose gas or electric or if necessities become hard to find.
It isn’t hard to fathom the unvaccinated becoming the scourge the Jews once were to Hitler and Nazi Germany. If people can be duped by a swift-tongue like Hitler – we are doomed to see a repeat of it. It’s human nature…sinful, human nature.
This basically has already begun, if you know what I mean.
I see basically four things protecting us at the moment:
~ God’s grace
~ the Constitution
~ armed Citizens (guns) and
~ the People willing to fight for liberty and justice.

But, this isn’t a political blog. This is just the world as I see it and we must live in it.
For the past two years I’ve barely written on my blog. I was caught up in keeping up somewhat with the covid news, investigating the part the media didn’t seem to want to cover and losing myself in a hobby of studying artifacts and history. Finding a hidden piece of archaic (I’m told) history digging in my yard in 2019 gave me an immensely exciting new hobby that was respite from the dark cloud that was about to settle over the world in 2020.
My Word for 2022 is Cultivate
As the new year was approaching, and perhaps because I had a good bit prepared for the future, I felt a new inspiration to start blogging again. Cultivate is the perfect word for this season I think. But I did pray about what my word should be. This word exemplifies where I see myself now.
To get back on the path I was headed with my blog I need to cultivate it.
: to prepare or prepare and use for the raising of crops
also : to loosen or break up the soil about (growing plants)
: to improve by labor, care, or study
I plan to cultivate a larger garden this spring than I have ever tried…which isn’t saying much. Every year it seems I grow something edible in small spaces. I’ve been working for years on my own compost and have made plans for something bigger this spring…not because I really want to. I just think I should due to the times we live in now.
As I am not one to sit by and do nothing I have two recently opened Facebook groups for women. I thank the Lord for the inspiration to do this.

If you are interested in joining click the link to request:
HOFM Home Makers Support Group – where we talk about homemaking and prepping for challenging times.
Ladies’ Joyful Journaling – where we encourage each other to regularly (not necessarily every day) write in our journals God’s blessings, moments to remember, and more. So we don’t forget.
This week I made two (Part 1 and 2) Youtube videos about my meager attempts to put a bug-out-bag together featuring many Dollar Tree items. I talk about a medic bag, too. It’s added to my Prepper Pantry & Supplies Playlist.
Personal miscellaneous:
Filling your mind with truth is imperative. Learning new skills is something to seriously consider. Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) is one of my favorite Christians. I’ve read and reread her book The Hiding Place and I’ve enjoyed finding old videos of her speaking that have been uploaded to Youtube. I’m currently working on memorizing better Psalm 16:6. I plan to get her Prison Letters book soon.
Follow me on social media to stay in the loop of what my year of “cultivating” turns out like. I hope something I work on will encourage or inspire you to do your thing as well.
Tracy Zdelar
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