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Do you need some shortcuts, money saving ideas and tips to get you organized or to solve unexpected needs at times in your home and life? This is week two of my Instagram and blog series on home hacks. I hope you’ll follow along.

Using my links may keep me caffeinated. See my Disclosure policy here.

Hacks. We all need them, right? Welcome to week two of my Instagram series.

Throughout the month of December I’ll be sprinkling into my Instagram posts a series of life and home hacks that I’m utilizing and maybe a few I find along the way worth sharing. 

I’ll be exploring my home in search of my hacks and taking you along for the adventure!

This week I’ll be featuring some things that were not bought for the purpose they are being used for now. I do love to give old things a new purpose! I think that’s coming from the creative, frugal side of me.

For sure, some of these items were purchased at the Dollar Tree and some from thrift stores. You can save a lot of money going that route!

Now, in case you need reminded, you will have to hop over to my Instagram home to see exactly HOW I am using these items. I’m using my blog post right here to share links to where you can find some (or similar) of the items I’m using in my home.

The areas of my home that I’ll be featuring on Instagram today are as follows:

Under my Kitchen & Bathroom Sink
On my Kitchen Walls
Inside My Food Pantry
Inside My Refrigerator

Kitchen and Bathroom Hacks

As you’ll see on Instagram I am using some things that I already had on hand purchased with other ideas in mind. Some of these came from the Dollar Tree, some from thrift stores and others brought new.

Before you buy anything new I recommend shopping from your home first.

What do you have that could be put to a new, inventive use? I have a weakness for odd metal organizing pieces. You know, that obvious decorative plate holder or pot lid organizer that I think would look great used as something else? Ha!

It’s not a great idea to buy like this. You could be wasting money if it doesn’t work out according to your hopes and dreams.

Some of my wire products are under the sinks corralling supplies.

Next, shop the thrift stores first so you’re not wasting too much money.

I have bought several used lazy Susans from thrift stores (I think some are quite old, be sure to hop over to Instagram after you read this post) and I have one in my pantry, one in my fridge, one on top of my fridge, two in my baking cupboard and one under my kitchen sink!

I use a variety of different 3M hooks in my kitchen. They are under kitchen sink and on my walls.

One of my FAVORITE home organizing tools are 3M Command Strips adhesive hooks. I use them to hold spray bottles, cords and decorative wall hangings! See how I’m using them on Instagram.

I use 3M Command hooks on my pantry door, too.

Using Dollar Tree bins to organize under the kitchen and bathroom sinks (and other places!).

If you don’t have a Dollar Tree nearby you can check out a variety of stackable bins here.


Be sure to follow me on Instagram to follow this series and if you subscribe to my blog newsletter you’ll get all my EXCLUSIVE free printables!

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