Off-grid pantry planner

We all need some hacks in life to keep things sane, right?! How much better when these hack-tools can actually be used to solve various needs. This is the beginning of my new December Instagram series.

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We all need them, right?

I mean, hacks can literally save us money, some can save us time. What would we do without our hacks?

Using binder/metal clips & rubber

bands in my home: Hack #1

Throughout the month of December I’ll be sprinkling into my Instagram posts a series of life and home hacks that I’m utilizing and maybe a few I find along the way worth sharing.

I’ll be exploring my home in search of my hacks and taking you along for the adventure!


I love having a variety of binder clips in different colors and sizes. They’re wonderful to have because they last so long and can be used over and over.

I also have metal clips similar to these (also pictured below) that I use. I have the dark ones in use that you’ll see in my Instagram pictures for today.

I also use these kind of clips (see below) but not usually for food. You’ll see two ways I am using these right now in my home if you follow me on Instagram (my link will be at the end of this post).


We use rubber-bands all the time in our home and they do not last as long but they are so cheap. The rubber does eventually break down over time. However, you can get a variety bag with a lot of them and they can last for years.

I use hacks in my home for a variety of reasons and they do work into my organization, home decor, saving me money, and probably cover other needs I’m not thinking of at the moment.

Are you following me on Instagram? You can here.

Follow me on Instagram to see multiple ways I use these hacks in my own home!

Black binder clips.

Want to see how I use these hacks in my home? Join me on Instagram here now!

This is the storage bin with drawers I use. I bought two of them and have them stacked on each other. I labeled them with a label maker. I love how organized they keep me and the little things.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.