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Do you struggle with memorizing scripture or are you wanting to make this a daily habit with your children? These easy tips will help you and your children hide God’s word in your hearts.

Now, if you’re like me you know as we get older memorizing God’s word is not always easy. It’s not even easy to make as a habit…or at least that’s the way I lived and thought.

Unfortunately, memorizing scripture was not a discipline or habit I developed during my youth.

Throughout my life my scripture memory attempts have been up and down. The boys and I have worked on scripture memory at times together but with not having a DAILY APPOINTMENT we go through dry spells where I think none of us are really working on hiding God’s word in our heart via memorization.


Tip 1: Make Memorizing Scripture a Daily Discipline by scheduling a Daily Appointment to make sure it happens.


This simply means it’s all the more important for me to get my children (who are teens now) established in the HABIT of making a DAILY APPOINTMENT to be intentional to work on reviewing and memorizing scripture just like they already have established a DAILY APPOINTMENT to meet with God for Bible reading and prayer.

how to make a habit of memorizing Bible verses, kjv bible verses

I mentioned how the boys and I are working on this scripture memory routine in this post on my Facebook page.


Tip 2: Write out a number of scripture passages/ verses on index cards (or print off the 16 I show in this post) and have them ready to go and know where they are at all times.


So the plan is simple!

We are each to spend a couple minutes on our own in the morning and then before bed memorizing one new verse per week while reviewing the previous week’s verses. Then I have the boys recite their new weekly verse to me for accountability.

As simple as this is there are times I still forget – especially in the morning but I’ve corrected that recently. (My oldest may have chosen to do this only before bed but my plan is for them to do this morning and night. It only takes a minute or so).

That’s why I need to keep my stack of scripture cards that I made myself and laminated (and you can print them off too, see end of this post) in a place I will see them or know where to find them always.

kjv printable bible memory verses scriptures, memorize scripture daily with 2 steps

You can get this free two page printable of 16 KJV Fear of the Lord verses by subscribing to my free email newsletter in the box below!

Just print on cardstock (for sturdiness) or printer paper and if you desire you can laminate like I do at home.

Newsletter subscribers (it’s free and I don’t spam or sell your email): I will send you the access code in your first newsletter and you can access this EXCLUSIVE page any time you want after that. Please don’t share the page or code with anyone else. Please direct them to this post to subscribe and I will send them the code, too!

Thank you for your support and understanding.
easy tips to make scripture memory a daily habit for kids and adults

In addition to these verses you will have access to my growing vault of EXCLUSIVE free printables that are for subscribers.

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I do have some free printables for anyone whether or not they subscribe. You can find those links mixed with the EXCLUSIVES at this link. But you need to subscribe all the way through to get my EXCLUSIVES like these scripture cards.

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