You know last week I showed you some mysterious things I found online with Google Earth and I was saving one of them for later. Now would be later.
The first two strange things were things a Youtube shared on his channel. I still had to figure out how to find them somewhat for myself and then I used that opportunity to teach our homeschool club kids a few things about how to use Google Earth to find things for themselves
Google Earth and Google Maps are amazing tools you can use to take virtual field trips to other parts of the world! Literally you can get a view of the Sphinx as if you are standing right there. It’s just incredible technology at our fingertips.
Well, the third strange thing I was told you about was something I actually found myself as I was using Google Earth to look over Marco Island, Florida where we stayed for almost a week just a few years ago.
This trip was our family’s first trip to Florida together – only my husband had been to Florida before this trip. I wrote a series about our time there including the places we visited, our experiences and where we stayed.
If you’d like to read about our trip to Marco Island and Naples, Florida just go here and you can scroll through and read the posts you want. You’ll see the posts numbered and linked at the bottom of this post.
The other day I edited my blog to allow the pinch to zoom access for mobile so, now, if you’re on your phone you should be able to enlarge my blog posts to see better.

So about that airplane that looks like it’s under water (see image above).
As I was looking over Marco Island, Florida I found that plane and I looked at it really good trying to figure out if it was really under water or just a reflection. I just couldn’t tell.
I decided to do a search for articles online. I figured I could get to the end of the story on my own if this was a known accident. While I found one or more plane crashes not far from this area I could not find an answer for what I was seeing.

So after awhile of that I decided to do the obvious right thing and call the Marco Island Police and let them know…just in case.
Well, the woman on the other end of the line seemed very interested and cared to know, too. No matter how I directed her she couldn’t find the airplane. I think what we had perhaps was two different images of the same area. Hers was possibly more updated than mine, though I’m just guessing.
After awhile she said she would contact one of the officers and he would likely call me back that night. Sure enough he did and he put the mystery to rest.
Turns out the airplane is just a reflection. Though I tell you, it looks to me like the plane is sitting upright on the bottom…that dark piece looks like a windshield to me.
He said they have been getting calls about that airplane for years!
Mystery solved. 🙂
Our family flew to Fort Myers and drove to Marco Island, Florida in 2016. I wrote a series about our trip you can view here.
In 2018 our family drove to Jensen Island on the SE side. You can read those posts here:
Part 1 – Our Long Drive to SE Florida thanks to Hurricane Florence
Part 2 – Our Condo and the many Thirty-one bags we took to Florida
Part 3 – Visiting the McLarty Treasure Museum in Vero Beach, FL
Part 4 – Our ASTC membership got us in free: South Florida Science Center & Aquarium