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Somewhere I saw this recipe idea: pie crust wrapped cold cuts and cheese baked in the oven. Well, it looked great!

Fast forward to tonight. I decided to get out the rolled pie crust that I had in the freezer and use up the ham and Swiss cheese before it went bad. I added some cheddar and turkey, too. It was a success!

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How can you go wrong with pie crust stuffed anything, right?!

How to make easy pie crust calzones.

This is super easy to make and only took maybe a half hour in the oven. I was thinking this would make good party food as well as a great quick fix if you’re short on time.

It reminds me a lot of these chicken puffs I make for our family – which is a family favorite in our home!

How to Make Easy Pie Crust Calzones

Super easy to make with a frozen premade pie crust!

~ Just thaw out the crust, roll it out and top with whatever you want to put on it. You can make your own pie crust if you prefer.

~ Fold up the sides (you might need to wet your fingers with some water and pinch the ends together. Follow the baking temperature and time on the pie crust package.

~ About mid-way of baking them go ahead and brush some melted butter on top and if you want, like me, sprinkle some garlic powder and Italian seasoning on top. Finish baking. It’s that simple.

Next time I make it I may add some mayonnaise or ranch dressing and some veggies to it before I bake! Yum.

How to make easy pie crust calzones. Lunch, party food, snacks.

This Week’s Money Savers

Amazon is offering those with the Prime Membership two FREE Kindle ebooks (without Prime these books are $1.99) through January 31st, 2020. You have eight books to choose from and I’m not familiar with any of them so I can’t give you a review on them. This appears to be offered through their First Reads program. You can get more info and view the choices here.

Sunglass Hut: Get 50% off Full Price, ends 01/09/20. Click here. Use Code: SUN50 . Possible Free Shipping, check online.

Macy’s: FLASH SALE – Jan 08 ONLY. Click here (up to 75% off). Possible Free Shipping, check website.

Printable Coupons: Check my sidebar to the right for coupons now or click here.

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