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One day while shopping at a thrift store I found one of those Cracker Barrel triangle puzzles still in the package. You know, the kind that sits at probably every table in the restaurant ready to entertain you or your kids?

Well, I bought it and have played it with determination to figure out how to get to down to just ONE single solitary tee. And, by George, I did it! I even figured out a couple different positions I need to get to in order to get down to the one.

See, I do not like to sit still and do nothing while watching a movie. I like to keep busy in some way. I enjoy sitting and working patiently (I guess) on this puzzle strategy. My oldest son became interested and started playing it too,and it seems he was much faster at getting it to one tee than I was.

And now I’m ready for a new puzzle to work with my hands!

If you have a puzzle lover in your home you may need a new challenge for them also.

Gifting Wooden Mind Benders and Puzzles

KINGZHUO Hexagon Tangram wooden puzzle for kids and adults.

3D Wooden Brain Teaser

Coogam Wooden Hexagon Puzzle

Solid Oak Wooden Peg Triangle Game – Handcrafted by Amish in Ohio.

The 125 Best Brain Teasers of All Time

Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle – colorful owl

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.