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You might not think being a little under eight feet tall is all that tall.

Well, that is, until you stand next to a nearly eight foot tall replica of a once living giant like our kids got to do when we visited the Seville Historical Society. I recently organized a field trip for our homeschool group to learn about the Giants of Seville.

The Seville Historical Society features aspects of Seville’s history. History that includes the settling of a famous gigantic couple who had worked with P.T. Barnum and were known to have social connections to the Royal family, if I’m not mistaken.



While the “larger than life” couple were the main reason for our visit we also had the chance to learn about Seville’s history from fossils reportedly found in the area to medical antiques, old high school pictures and the town prison that was moved to this location.

Yep, that’s it below.



One of the buildings nearby is said to have been built in the 1700s (and added to years later). The Bates couple, she from Nova Scotia and the Captain being from Kentucky, chose to settle down in the area. They had land and a custom sized home. The home was razed decades ago but I’m told the barn is still there with the name: Bates spelled out on the roof.

Captain Martin Van Buren Bates and his wife Anna Swan Bates (and I think their second child) are buried nearby in the cemetery. While Anna died in her 40s Martin lived a long life and even remarried. His home with his second wife is just down the road from the Seville Historical Society.  See more resources about the gigantic-sized Bates couple here.



You can read more about Captain & Mrs. Bates, the Giants of Seville, and our visit at this link.

You can get more info about Seville, Ohio at this link.

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