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I’m really looking forward to 2018, how about you?

There’s something refreshing about a getting a chance to “start over”. And, while change is a choice and – yet, not always a choice, at times, everyone gets a do-over come January 1 every. single. year. It’s just up to YOU and ME if we want to go further than that in certain areas of our lives, right?

What’s NEW for Hall of Fame Moms in 2018

I’ve been feeling a change-coming for sometime regarding my blogs…nothing too huge, but something important. I haven’t figured out exactly how to implement some of the changes I’m wanting to make but I definitely know what direction I want to go in.

I also have decided to go back to one blog vs. two.

Back in 2015 I started to record our Ohio trips and reviews. It was a nice experiment, I don’t regret it. However I have decided to bring those posts over to and stick to one blog at this time. The “moving of the posts” started about two weeks ago and will continue over the next few months as I weave them into the new content I’m continually creating as usual …right here.

The focus of my content.

As my children are quickly growing up (as I write this I have a sixth grader and an eighth grader whom I homeschool) I feel a sense of urgency to encourage parents, like myself, not to neglect these crucial child-training years.

Yes, they aren’t small children anymore…all the more the reminder that soon they will be adults and my years to prepare them to be successful adults is narrowing!

I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t be surprised if my content both here on my blog and on Facebook reveals a more determined focus on anything related to taking these years seriously and how to pause more frequently to savor them. 

This change isn’t just about the kids. I also want to share more encouraging, resourceful posts for YOU.

Here’s to a wonderful NEW YEAR in 2018! May we make it a year of no regrets…and amazing results! I hope you’ll stick around.

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