Off-grid pantry planner

Below you’ll find a list of some of the posts on this blog covering food prep, freezer cooking, and family meals mostly from my own experience. I don’t claim to be an expert. In fact, meal planning is not my gift, it’s my struggle. Nevertheless, we can all learn something from each other. I hope you find something helpful out of the list below.

If I develop some tried and true kitchen hacks in the near future and decide to write about them they will very likely be added to this page so please feel free to bookmark this post or Pin it to your board. You can follow me on Pinterest too!

If you are a woman following my Facebook Page Hall of Fame Moms you are invited to join my HOFM Home Maker’s Support Group where we encourage each other with homemaking tips and share our experiences. This is a growing community and you can request to join at this link.


Freezer Prep & Food

My Freezer Cooking Day Meals

How to Freeze Cilantro

How I Freeze & Stretch a Roast

How I Freeze Bulk Food & Broth

Diet-friendly Freezer Cooking


A Beautiful Healthy Veggie Omelet

DIY Pumpkin-Molasses French Toast Sticks

Chicken Puffs

Ham Pot Pie

Preparing to Feed the Family

Preparing to Feed the Family

Forms for Organization

I don’t make many printables myself, and, boy, do I appreciate creative people who share theirs for free. Below you’ll find the free printables I’ve curated from others or some printables I’ve made myself to share with my readers.

Holiday Shopping List and Recipe Card printables.

Forms for organization that I’ve curated from others.

Meal planning

I tried using this method to menu plan once.

You can find more posts at these categories:




Frugal Friday Video Series



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