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Now there’s an eye grabbing headline: Dissecting Owl Pellets for Bones. But that is exactly what we did one day last week for science in our homeschool, thanks to my friend Tisha for giving us her extra owl pellets.

This was a pretty…well… kind of, cool?


Dissecting Owl Pellets for Bones - Homeschool Science


Yes, interesting! hands-on project. I’m glad we did it. It wasn’t really gross…just a little, maybe.  I’m using my affiliate links in this post at no cost to you. I may make a little money when readers make purchases through my links. This helps with the cost of keeping up this blog. Thank you for your support.

I  think these are “cleaned” up pellets which are, so I’m told, puked up animal remains. You know, like the owl ate a rodent and coughed up the fur and bones?


Learning science hands-on with an Owl Pellet Dissection Kit


Since I didn’t buy the kit I didn’t have all the info about it. I did look on Amazon and there appears to be a number of different kits you can order which I believe is where Tisha got her kit. You can find a kit here.

As you separate fur from bones you can look at the Bone Chart to identify what the bones may have belonged to. Seems like we had bones to a couple different types of critters in our pellets.


Homeschool Science by Dissecting Owl Pellets for Bones


I filmed some of our dissecting of the pellets and included that in my Homeschool Week #2 Video just last week. You can watch it here.

Have you dissected owl pellets or anything exciting in your homeschooling or just for fun? You can find a variety of owl pellet kits here.



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