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I’ve sort of unofficially started my weekly Youtube series sharing our homeschooling life… and yes, I know, our kitten (Cookies) in the image above has nothing to do with this topic. I just needed a picture and these kittens are so stinking cute!


For the time being I’m covering some preliminary topics about our homeschool life; but, once we officially start our 2017-2018 homeschool year my plan is to do weekly vlog/videos showing you a weekly glimpse of how our homeschool week went.


This should be interesting (…insert uncertainty).


Nevertheless, THAT is the plan and I hope, if you’re homeschooling as well, that you’ll be encouraged through just watching or learning something new or …whatever.  This will be our eighth year homeschooling and I do NOT consider myself an expert.


I may just be an expert at flying by the seat of my paints, though.



To get notifications as the videos come out please subscribe to my Youtube channel here and my blog at this link. Thanks for following along and please talk to me! Ask questions, share your stories.


Find more Ohio Homeschooling resources (like groups, etc) and links in this post.

I have a round up of 40 homeschooling posts to encourage and inspire you here as well.

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