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First, let me say this is not a sponsored post. My family and I were shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for something one day…I can’t remember what for but it wasn’t this. I just came across this and had to buy it for myself. Sitting at the computer for homeschool research and writing posts for my blogs and social media for even a short period of time seemed to be ending in pain.


I bought myself the Miracle Bamboo Cushion. Here are my thoughts... I am using my affiliate links in this post at no cost to you.


Maybe it was from my arms being propped up on the desk to type. Maybe it was the way I sat. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older.


Probably all of the above.


It didn’t take long after I began using this Miracle Bamboo Cushion to realize I was no longer having the same painful ending to my computer time. In fact, I started to notice that when I sat on a hard surface without the cushion I would immediately, or almost immediately, notice the difference! The discomfort stood out.


I love love having this cushion and I often move it from the computer chair to the sunroom chair to the dining room chair to the rocking chair. At times I’ve even moved it to the Lazy-Boy chair. If I were going to be driving far I might want it in the car. I may need to buy another Miracle Bamboo Cushion, come to think of it.


I bought myself the Miracle Bamboo Cushion. Did I like it? Read more...


You can read all about it on the images above, but I’ll list some Miracle Bamboo Cushion facts from the box. The Miracle Bamboo Cushion is said to be great for:

  • trains
  • planes
  • boating
  • fishing
  • camping
  • picnics
  • wheelchairs
  • church and more

and great for…

  • lower back
  • sciatica
  • hip bones
  • tailbone
  • coccyx and more


You can find one at this link. Mine was priced at about $20 and I had a Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon so I saved several dollars on mine. I have seen this for sale at Walmart for about $20 also.

So, do I like? YES!!

Does it work? It sure seems to! I definitely have had less pain associated with sitting.

Would I buy it again? YEP. In fact, I may need to buy a second one soon.


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