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I know I’ve mentioned it here or there online but today I’m making it official…I’m planning to vlog/video through our homeschool year on Youtube for the 2017-2018 homeschool year.


Follow my 2017-18 Homeschooling Vlog Series at this link!

Learning happens ANYwhere! Our eclectic style allows for learning during our travels.


If you’re curious about how a relaxed eclectic homeschool family works this out I’d love to welcome you to subscribe to my channel for this series. And, I’ll admit I’m not the most tech-savvy but I think you may have to click the “bell” on the YouTube “subscribe” button to get notified when I have a new video published. I may be wrong, but hey, just in case, right?


13 Ways to Homeschool on a Bad Day and an Upcoming Vlog Series!

I shared 13 Ways to Homeschool on a Bad Day at this link.


With that said, I have made several videos recently and the homeschool year hasn’t officially begun so you may want to head over to my channel now to see them. Some of the videos I’ve made recently:


My channel is simply my name and you can subscribe to my channel by clicking it here–> Tracy Zdelar. I hope you’ll subscribe and join me for the 2017-2018 homeschool journey!



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