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Last year I saw another homeschool mom share about a math program on her Youtube channel that really piqued my interest: the Learn Math Fast System.


After some thought I decided to reach out to the company and ask if they would send me at least part of it to try in exchange for a review. Today is the day I’m working on that review! As I type, my less than five minute video is uploading to my Youtube channel and you’ll find it below.


There are seven volumes in the Learn Math Fast System and we received the first two to use and review. It is recommended that everyone start at the beginning but you could skip a book if you were grounded in the very basics, but I had my fifth grader start at the beginning.


Learn Math Fast System Volume I

This book covers addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, and US standard measurements. It includes four chapter review tests, one final test and an answer key – all in one book.


Learn Math Fast System Volume II

The second volume covers fractions, percentages, and negative/positive numbers. There are three review tests, one final test and an answer key – all in one book.


Personally, I treat the tests like another worksheet. I don’t usually test (except for spelling) or keep grades (in high school I will change this for transcript purposes).


I like that these books don’t cram a lot of instruction in small print. I think it’s easier to take math instruction in smaller bites and larger fonts help with that. I have my son read the lessons on his own and then we help if needed.


There are some small timed portions in Volume I to test basic fact memorization. In Volume II I noticed the lessons and worksheets are not very long – usually less than 15 problem but some have up to 20 or 25 problems. Volume I had more problems on some of the pages but the problems were not always numbered.


Both my son and I liked the Learn Math Fast System and so I plan to continue him in it. We are almost finished with Volume II so I need to order his next book soon. You can purchase at the website below or (aff link) on Amazon here.


If you want to learn more just visit the Learn Math Fast System website here. Be sure to look into their FREEBIES section, too.


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